Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Monsoon!!!

Well, for all of those who have not lived in Arizona for a while, or who have never been here, you don't really know how crappy the weather really is. On July 4Th the temperature reached 114 degrees in the shade. Hot mamma!!! A week later mother nature decided to change things up and rain on us for 2 weeks straight. We have thunder clouds that roll in each day at around 3 or 4 and rain the rest of the day/night. Lets just say that knocking in this weather is less than desirable. I have seen some really cool lightning shows and some powerful flash floods. Traci and I have truly seen almost the whole United States and lets just say the south is the last place I would live, with Arizona and New Mexico being a close second. If any of you guys move here I won't come and visit. I have had a fill for my life time (jk I would still visit but it wouldn't be pleasant).


The Days said...

LOL! Well we wont be moving to AZ any time soon so no worries there! Cool photos!

Travis and Megan Liston said...

Traci, you taker beautiful photos. Make sure to bring your picture taking device with you when you come up here. We will br taking a Family photo. Looking forward to seeing you both!!



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