Friday, November 9, 2007

Silly Wienie

Normally in the morning I make Tony go take Roxy out to go potty, but today I decided I would give him a break. When I took her out she was tip-toeing on her back legs on the cold grass and wanted to go inside before she totally finished her business. I tossed her back on the grass, she went right away, and the she bolted towards the door. When she got close Tony opened it and she didn't even stop to say good morning. She ran straight back to the bedroom, jumped up on the bed, and burrowed herself in the covers. Normally I am there when she comes in, but apparently she is only using me to get warm. (*shakes fist* Why you little.....) :) Anyway I thought that it was funny. Just to let you know pictures and a posting will come from our trip to monterey are still to come. I will post them as soon as I can locate my USB cord :/

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