There really hasn't been a whole lot going on lately, but I am going crazy looking at the same post over and over (as I'm sure you are as well). Sorry there won't be any pictures this time. My dad and I sold my old camera and a few other things for an upgrade. It is still on back order so it might be a little while until some visual references appear.
Christmas was a blast. We had a ton of fun hanging out with my family. We went to movies, made birthday calenders, ate a bunch of really good food, and on the last night Tony and I were there we played laser tag and black light miniature golf. Tony survived the plane ride and a baby laughed his way through turbulence. It was really funny. It was sad to find out that my dog Batman has recently developed diabetes. Its just interesting how humans and animals can get the same sicknesses.
So as you know Tony and I are having a baby. Earlier this week I had a small complication. I started spotting, but was able to get into the OB to get it checked out. After all the awkward stuff was over, he told me that there was a 50/50 chance of carrying the baby full term. I was pretty upset about this and he did very well in answering all my question. I was supposed to schedule another appointment to get the sonogram/ultrasound, but the nurse on staff pulled some strings to get me in that day. The guy was really good at explaining things as we went along and while we were looking at all the structural stuff we saw this little dot flickering. It was our baby's heart! We were both really excited and he zoomed in on it and we were able to hear it for the first time together (at 5 weeks and 3-4 days). We were both really fortunate because if we went in a couple days earlier then we wouldn't have seen much of anything. Anyway, I suppose that's really the only news I have at this point. I am still super tired and nauseous (but not throwing up so thank goodness for that). Sorry for the lengthy post.