Sunday, October 25, 2009

Moven' up!

Landon had been in his bassinet since we brought him home, but we noticed that he wasn't sleeping as well as he had when he was smaller. I was in his room putting away his laundry when I found out why. He He likes to sleep with his arms almost straight over his head (which ruled out swaddling). He had hit his hands on the side of the bassinet and it startled him pretty good and woke up and started crying. We obviously had the crib set up, so I thought that since he was still tired I would try to put him in that. He really likes all the room and sometimes when I go in at night he is turned a complete 180 from when I set him down. Here are a couple pictures of him enjoying his Crib
We have to uncover at least one hand for him to suck on because the binky doesn't work.


Becca said...

Awww, what a sweetie...I cant wait to see him!

adamandrebeccacoughran said...

he is so cute! that is so funny that he already is over his binky.

Alicia said...

What a cute boy (and cute crib bedding too)! I'm glad you discovered that he sleeps better in his crib. Better sleep for him = better sleep for you!

Aubreydoll said...

What a cute little guy! Cadance really likes her crib, too! She needs the room and HAS to have her thumb available to suck on! :)


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