Sunday, June 22, 2008

On the Road Again...

So I know that this isn't going to be a suprise to anyone, but Tony and I are moving yet again. (big shocker eh?) We are moving to Arizona (again) to go to school and to get a better handle on our finances. We wanted things to go well here in Utah, but since there is such a huge wait list for the nursing schools and his job didn't really work out (long story) we felt really good about going to AZ. We will keep you all posted on how things go. This is going to be the last move for the next 3 years (hopefully *crosses fingers*)


Jackson Family said...

Good luck on the move! Keep us posted as to the happenings.

Aubreydoll said...

Wow, I didn't know you were even thinking of moving back to Arizona. I hope everything works out!

The Days said...

Wow. Good luck!

Em said...

holy cow Traci! Good luck with the move, please don't melt in AZ. It's hotter than Turlock there! =)

Tony and Traci said...

I know huh? Good thing I'm not made of sugar. I am not super thrilled, but I am looking forward to being able to get school going.

adamandrebeccacoughran said...

I miss you already. Isnt life crazy? I know that things will all work out though. I wish you guys the best of luck.

Lance and Jen said...

sad to see you go, but glad we got to hang out during the short time here!


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